Consumer Packaged Goods-China Market Research Group

Case Study:

     Consumer Packaged Goods 

Global Consumer Product Company


Stage 1 Mystery Shopping
Stage 2 Consumer Insights
Stage 3 Dealer Insights
Stage 4 Analysis



Our client is a household name worldwide selling nearly seventeen billion USD of products to consumers, with the China market being a major driver for growth. This client enlisted CMR to help evaluate and further strengthen in-store sales, an area we had previously identified as crucial in winning and keeping customers.


CMR sent mystery shoppers to our client's and our client's competitors' retail outlets in 7 cities across the country, and interviewed our client's current dealers and customers to create an accurate and actionable picture of its strengths, and areas to improve.


Stage 1 Mystery Shopping

For Stage 1 of this project, CMR sent mystery shoppers to 675 our client's and client's competitors' retail counters to evaluate the effectiveness of sales, both of salespeople and physical display. Mystery shoppers evaluated sales team attitude and effectiveness, store layout, product information and display, as well as payment, delivery, and after-sales services.


Stage 2 Consumer Insights

In Stage 2 of the project, CMR conducted phone surveys with 500 current consumers of our client's products to evaluate satisfaction with our client as a brand, and with sales and after-sales services.


Stage 3 Dealer Insights

CMR interviewed 61 dealers of our client's products to gather insight into how consumers view the client's brand, effectiveness of client's sales efforts, and dealers' own satisfaction with client's brand.


Stage 4 Analysis

CMR used data gathered from interviews and mystery shopping to form a complete picture of our client's strengths and weaknesses as perceived by consumers and dealers, and identify other problem areas in sales and service where our client needed to improve.