Private Equity-China Market Research Group

Case Study:

     Private Equity

Multi-Billion Dollar Private Equity Fund


Stage 1 Key Account Assessment

Stage 2 Asset Analysis

Stage 3 Growth Strategy Initiatives



Our client is a billion-dollar-plus private equity fund. We helped them analyze a potential mezzanine investment in China by conducting due diligence on a potential portfolio company and formulating viable strategies for growth post-investment in a time sensitive, one-month long project.


Stage 1 Key Account Assessment

In Stage 1 of this project, CMR conducted interviews with the target company's key accounts in 6 regional areas to determine satisfaction with the target company's current product and service offerings, supply chain management, the value proposition of the target company compared to the competition, and major threats the target company faces. 


Stage 2 Asset Analysis

In Stage 2 of the project, through interviews with key account representatives and site visits to target company locations in six cities across China, CMR was able to assess the condition and net value of the companies' existing assets, including both their physical holdings and their distribution networks. 


Stage 3 Growth Strategy Initiatives

Based on our research and analysis, we identified priority areas for investment among current company divisions and developed a growth strategy for the two top-priority divisions. Our key strategy points included how to improve the target company's distribution networks, leverage existing assets, and improve customer relationship management programs.